国連のNDC統合レポート: パリ協定目標達成には「ほど遠い」




国際非営利団体のClimate Action Trackerの分析 によると、新しい目標を提出した主要経済国のうち、英国、EU、アルゼンチン、チリ、ノルウェー、ケニア、ウクライナのみが野心度を上げています。一方で、 日本、韓国、ロシア、ニュージーランド、スイス、オーストラリアはすべて、2015年に提出の当初目標を改善していないとしています。




Antonio Gueterres, UN Secretary General  (アントニオ・グテレス国連事務総長)
“2021 is a make or break year to confront the global climate emergency. The science is clear, to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C, we must cut global emission by 45% by 2030 from 2010 levels. Today’s interim report from the UNFCCC is a red alert for our planet.  It shows governments are nowhere close to the level of ambition needed to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. The major emitters must step up with much more ambitious emissions reductions targets for 2030 in their Nationally Determined Contributions well before the November UN Climate Conference in Glasgow. Now is the time.  The global coalition committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 is growing, across governments, businesses, investors, cities, regions and civil society.  COVID-19 recovery plans offer the opportunity to build back greener and cleaner. Decision makers must walk the talk.  Long-term commitments must be matched by immediate actions to launch the decade of transformation that people and the planet so desperately need.”

 Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change (パトリシア・エスピノーサUNFCCC事務局長)
“This report shows that current levels of climate ambition are very far from putting us on a pathway that will meet our Paris Agreement goals. I call on all parties – even those who have submitted NDCs – to reflect on this and increase ambition. At the moment it is like we are walking into a minefield blindfolded. What we need is much more radical and transformative than we have now. We need concrete plans to phase out fossil fuels as fast as possible.”

Alok Sharma, incoming COP26 President (アロック・シャルマCOP26議長)
“This report should serve as an urgent Call to Action and I am asking all countries, particularly major emitters, to submit ambitious 2030 emission reduction targets. We must recognise that the window for action to safeguard our planet is closing fast.”

Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC (2010-2016) (クリスティアナ・フィゲレス前UNFCCC事務局長)
“This is a status report. It’s weak but there are many big emitters who can significantly change the picture this year. Their promises are strong; their delivery can be stronger. Countries including the United States, China, Japan and other large economies are seeing it in their own competitive interests to reach 50% emissions reductions by 2030 in order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. I have high hopes they will deliver.”

