


プレスリリースの中で、Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service(CAMS)のディレクターVincent-Henri Peuch氏は、「2020年のCO2濃度の上昇は2019年よりもわずかに少ないものの、安心することはできません。 世界の正味排出量がゼロになるまでCO2は大気中に蓄積し続け、さらなる気候変動を引き起こします。」とコメントしています。




Dr. Karsten Haustein, Scientist at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS):
“The fact that 2020 tied with 2016 as the warmest year on record is another stark reminder that human-induced climate change continues unabated. This is particularly remarkable, as 2020 was not under the influence of an El Niño, a mode of natural climate variability in the tropical Pacific which ‘supercharged’ 2016 with extra heat. 2020 did not have such a ‘boost’, yet it almost exceeded the previous record holder. In fact, only a notably colder December (compared to November) prevented 2020 from becoming the new stand-alone warmest year.

“In context of the pandemic, scientists have found that the economic stimulus provided by governments as liquidity support to keep businesses afloat (and support individuals) dwarfs the annual energy investments required to stay on a low-carbon pathway consistent with the Paris climate agreement. Once we are faced with an emergency situation, seemingly impossible (financial) action is suddenly taken at unprecedented scale. Given we are in a state of climate emergency too – one which cannot be made undone with a vaccine – smart investment choices are what is needed given what’s at stake.”

Dr. Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and Geography:
“I think the focus on whether 2020 is the hottest year on record misses the bigger point. We are in an era of sustained record breaking years. This is no longer breaking news, but a human crisis.”

